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Software Engineering Resources

Software Testing Strategies
Designing effective test cases (see Software Testing Techniques) is important, but so is the strategy you use to execute them. Should you develop a formal plan for your tests? Should you test the entire program as a whole or run tests only on a small part of it? Should you rerun tests you've already conducted as you add new components to a large system? When should you involve the customer? These and many other questions are answered when you develop a software testing strategy. The following topic categories are presented here:

General Testing Resources

The Software Testing Process

Agile Testing

Articles on Software Testing


General Testing Resources

Software Testing resources-I
Links to a variety of resources with a tools emphasis.

Software Testing resources-II
Links to a variety of resources across all testing topics.

Software Testing resources-III
Pointer to a variety of software testing sites. Recommended.

Software Testing resources-IV
A limited set of pointers to software testing sites.

Software Testing Resources - V
A useful collection of important testing pointers.

Software Testing Resources - VI
Extensive information on software testing and related quality issues has been assembled by Software Testing and Quality Engineering. Recommended.

Software Testing resources-VII
Links to a variety of resources across all testing topics. Recommended.

Software Testing resources-VIII
Links to a variety of resources across all testing topics.

Software Testing resources-IX
Many links to a variety of resources across all testing topics. Current. Recommended.

Software Testing resources-X
Many links to a variety of resources across all testing topics. Current. Recommended.

Software Testing Links
Almost 300 testing links compiled by the open directory project.

Brad Appleton's Software Testing Links
A wide array of testing resources.

Software Testing Links
Hundreds of testing links provided by the open source educational society.

Software Testing Articles
Whitepapers by test vendor LogiGear.

Software Testing Tutorial Guide
Links to testing tutorials.

Software Testing FAQ
A FAQ addressing both QA and testing.

Software Testing FAQ
FAQs for testing from the comp.software.testing newsgroup.

Testing Forums
Pointers to a wide array of testing forums.

Software Testing Hotlist
An extensive, categorically organized hotlist for testing resources and information sources. Recommended.

Software testing resources. Recommended.

Quality Assurance sites that provide testing resources:

Software QA/Test Resource Center

Software Testing Newsletter
Useful information of software testing strategies is provided by the on-line Software Testing Newsletter published by the Software Testing Institute (STI).

Software Testing Institute
Comprehensive listing of resources that support the testing process.

The Software Testing Process - Concepts, Principles, Strategies

Software Testing Process
An introduction to basic elements

Typical Structure Of Software Testing Process
A brief overview of the testing process.

Software Testing Fundamentals
Four Chapters of a book to be published by Wiley that address fundamental methods, fundamental metrics and test estimation and sizing.

Managing the Testing Process
"Treating testing as a black box at the end of the project schedule invites failure. Testing and test preparation need to be open, managed, and manageable processes that everyone on the project team can understand and work with."

Software Testing Best Practices
"This report lists 28 best practices that contribute to improved software testing."

General Principles of Software Validation
A voluminous report (prepared by the FDA) discusses all important strategic and tactical aspects of software validation.

Classic Testing Mistakes
A useful paper prepared by Briam Marick. Recommended.

In-process metrics for software testing
This paper describes several in-process metrics whose usefulness has been proven with ample implementation experiences at the IBM Rochester AS/400(r) software development laboratory.

Video: Software Testing
An introductory lecture

Video: Becoming a Software Testing Expert
James Bach, one of the country's testing experts, presents as only he can.

Agile Testing

Agile Testing
A multipart article on the subject.

Agile Testing Roadmap
How is testing used within XP and other agile process models?

Agile Testing Resources
Also contains a number of articles on agile testing.

Agile Testing Links
Provided by the agile alliance.

Software testing on an agile project: How to get started
An article that address the subject.

Agile Software Testing
A blog dedicated to the subject.

Testing for Agile Software Development
A tutorial on agile testing.

Agile Software Testing Best Practices
A report prepared by TESTCo. Free, but does require registration.

Agile Testing Strategies
An article in Dr. Dobb's.

What is Agile Testing?
A brief commentary.

Agile Testing is not for dummies
A brief commentary on testing in an agile environment

Video: The Role of Testing and QA in Agile Software Development (1:21:13)
A worthwhile video presentation by Scott Ambler

Video: Agile Testing
A reasonably detailed discussion. (1:02:08)

Articles on Software Testing

"Mastering the Art of Test and Debug"
A brief paper (and outline) by Chester Braun addresses testing and debugging issues.

How to Test Requirements
A useful paper written by Suzanne Robertson.

"Testing - When Do I Stop"
A paper by Waterman and Hyatt presented a metrics based approach for determining when testing is complete.

Testing Articles by James Bach
Bach, one of the most thoughtful writers on the subject, has started his own consulting company. Many of his articles are reprinted here. Recommended.

Testing Articles by Cem Kaner
Kaner, another well-known writer on the subject of testing, has many worthwhile insights in the articles at his site.

Is Testing Advancing or Stagnating?
An article by Steve Whitchurch.

Classic Testing Mistakes
An insightful article by Brian Marick. Recommended.

Testing and QA Papers and Articles
Over 250 downloadable papers and articles on testing and QA

Software Testing Whitepapers
Pointers to white papers compiled by companies with a commercial interest in testing.

Testing Articles
A collection of articles and testing news.

eXtreme Software Testing
Contains pointers to everything from articles to Jokes to a testing dictionary.

ppt: An Empirical Study of Bug Characteristics in Modern Open Source Software
A power point presentation.

Software testing lessons taken from music
An intriguing commentary of software testing

Virtually every book on software testing discusses strategies along with methods for test case design.One or more of the following books is recommended:

Software Testing
Pragmatic Software Testing
Effective Methods for Software Testing

The Art of Software Testing
, although over three decades old, remains a classic that is must reading for every tester.

Other books that have merit are:

Systematic Software Testing
Introducing Software Testing
How to Break Software
Software Testing: A Craftman’s Approach, second edition
The Web Testing Handbook
Software Testing
Testing Computer Software, second edition
Managing the Testing Process
Surviving the Top Ten Challenges of Software Testing

Lessons Learned in Software Testing
presents a collection of over 300 pragmatic “lessons” (guidelines) that every software tester should learn.
Testing IT: An Off-the Shelf Testing Process establishes an effective testing framework for all types of developed and acquired software.
Effective Software Testing: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Testing provides 50 specific ways to improve testing.
Software Testing and Continuous Quality Improvement and
Test Process Improvement
discuss strategies for continuously improving the testing process.

For those readers with interest in agile software development methods, the following books are recommended:

Testing Extreme Programming
Test Driven Development: By Example
Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams
Unit Test Frameworks
Agile Testing: How to Succeed in an Extreme Testing Environment
Essential Testing: A Use Case Driven Approach

The following books present testing strategies (and methods) for testing OO systems.

Practical Guide to Testing Object-Oriented Software
Testing Object-Oriented Software
Testing Object-Oriented Systems
Testing Object-Oriented Software
The Craft of Software Testing

Guidelines for debugging are contained in these titles:

The Developer's Guide to Debugging
Why Programs Fail: A Guide to Systematic Debugging
Debugging: The Nine Indispensible Rules for Finding Even the Most Elusive Hardware and Software Problems
The Science of Debugging
Debugging Applications
Software Defect Removal
How Debuggers Work

Books that focus on language specific debugging and address the special nature of debugging for the environments implied by their titles are:

Madisetti (Debugging Embedded Systems
Robbins (Debugging Microsoft .NET 2.0 Applications
Best (Linux Debugging and Performance Tuning
Ford (Practical Debugging in C++
Brown (Debugging Perl, McGraw-Hill, 2000)
Mitchell (Debugging Java, McGraw-Hill, 2000)

Object-Oriented Defect Management of Software
presents techniques for managing defects that are encountered in object-oriented systems.
Software System Testing and Quality Assurance presents an interesting "taxonomy of bugs" that can lead to effective methods for test planning.
Debugging Embedded Microprocessor Systems addresses the special nature of debugging for embedded software.

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