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A new novel ... Roger Pressman's new novel is story of revenge -- The Puppeteer
Roger Pressman's blog ... visit OnCenter, Roger Pressman's running commentary on the world at large
Welcome ...
For 30 years, R.S. Pressman & Associates, Inc. has provided services and products that help companies improve their software engineering practices. In addition, our site has become one of the primary sources for non-commerical software engineering information available on the Web. Throughout this site youll be able to acquire:
Information about RSP&A, our services, products, and resources
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A hypertext adaptable process model customizable to meet your needs
Over 1800 software engineering resources and 600 papers
Commentary on software-related topics and other non-technical issues
We've become one of the "go-to" resources for software engineering on the Web. Spend some time visiting -- there's information of value here!
Another novel by
Roger Pressman! |
Available in trade paperback and e-book editions. For more information, click here. |
A New Product ...
Our comprehensive video series, Essential Software Engineering (ESE), has been digitized and is now available in mp4 format. If you need comprehensive training in core software engineering concepts, please examine the ESE product description and contact us for further information.
Other New Books by Roger Pressman ...
Roger Pressman and David Lowe have written a new book, Web Engineering, that shows you how to adapt agile software engineering techniques to the creation of industry quality Web-based systems and applications.
Roger Pressman has completed a new 7th edition of Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, the world's most widely used software engineering textbook. For a preview, click here.
Roger Pressman has revised his first novel, a technothriller called The Aymara Bridge, and established a Kindle edition. To order it, click on the box below:
RSP&A has partnered with QAI's EdistaLearning to develop a comprehensive Internet-based software engineering curriculum. |
Our Web site is hosted by 1and1. Visit them to learn about cost effective and comprehensive hosting services ... |
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